Cherry Returns 2016

Cherry Returns


Release Date


Hong Kong

Original Title

Hong Kong Title
Cherry Returns

Plot Synopsis

LAPD receives an anonymous tip-off and locates a hideout where they believe young children are being held captive. During the raid, the kidnapping suspects are killed. A traumatized young girl is found alive in the basement, later identified as Cherry, who was abducted 12 years ago. Her family, who has since resided in Hong Kong, feels agitated upon the shocking news. In the wake of the trauma, Cherry appears to lose all recollection of her family and childhood. To cope with the aftermath and get her life back on track, her family takes her back to Hong Kong to start anew.

While Cherry is making progress in recovery, strange events occur that threaten to harm those close to her. Complicated by the appearance of a mysterious stranger, police investigator starts to look into Cherry's past for lead. But what he is about to discover, no one is prepared for the fatal outcome that follows...

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